With chapters such as: The “Ends” of the World, Eden’s
Analogy, The Death of Adam, The Righteous Shall Never Be Removed, Spare the
Rod-Spoil the Child, The Gathering, The Seventh Trumpet, The Twinkling of an
Eye, The Meeting in the Air, It Doth Not Yet Appear, Looking for His Appearing,
Lightning from the East, The Parable of the Ten Virgins, and Closing
Remarks clears the author also ends confusion about the return of the Lord,
the End Times, the Rapture, the Great Tribulation, with additional teachings on
Jesus’ parable and Scripture that lead the Body of Christ into spiritual
maturity, thus emanating the image of God. Additionally, with Greek root words
keen scriptural insight speaks of a transformation within that fosters a
renewing of the mind and debunks traditional church beliefs.