By: Patrick Layhee
Review Date: November 10, 2013
A Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 Stars
God's Career Guide: Practical Insights for the Workplace Christian by Patrick Layhee is an outstanding read for every Christian in the workplace and more…and applies to all Christians who desire to be blessed in their work life. From homemakers to CEO's and everything in between, this book gives, "A practical, Bible-based career guide that includes a helpful study guide to help enrich the lives of working Christians by applying God's Word to their jobs and careers." Full of encouragement and biblical principles, the author systematically goes through the Bible, beginning from Genesis, to give a full spectrum scope of correct biblical attitudes, beliefs and abilities that pertain to Christians in the marketplace and beyond. Within that, the author explains clearly that God created work and that work is an integral part of being blessed throughout life. Rich with Scripture, the author gives a biblical picture of what God had in mind when He created work, listing the top three priorities of life (God, family and work). Written with much positive affirmation derived from scripture, the author offers a biblical perspective on correct attitudes and viewpoints that offer very practical biblical applications for every Christian to assimilate into their lives and the workplace. This book offers an uplifting guide on day-to-day living in the workplace with a well-rounded understanding of the blessings involved when one fears the Lord and applies these principles to their life in the marketplace.
Written as a complete handbook and guide, the author covers every question, area and belief that one may have, including discussions of certain oppositions in the workplace. This book will aid in developing a healthy lifestyle in the workplace no matter what your job is. A helpful study guide is also included that is recommended for either the individual or within a group setting.
This is a well-written and biblically sound book that is a highly recommended read for those that desire not only to fulfill the will of God, but need encouragement for the daily life that we all lead as we head off to work. This book will enrich every area of your life and is a blessing to the Body of Christ. You won't be disappointed, only blessed with this amazing read.
For more information about the author and some life-changing ministry visit God's Career Guide where you will be blessed, encouraged and empowered by applying God's Word to the world of work. You can get your copy of God's Career Guide by Patrick Layhee at Amazon and at other fine online bookstores. You may also visit Patrick at Facebook.
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