Overcoming Todays Economic Meltdown

Success For Todays Business People

Because our ways are not His ways, we have allowed ourselves to think about money and wealth incorrectly. As a result, in 2008, the United States experienced the worst global economic crisis since the Great Depression of 1930’s. Can it happen again? Of course. Can it be prevented? Yes, with the right attitude about the acquisition of personal and corporate resources.
This is a one year devotional book describing these attitudes and how best to put them into practice. This book focuses on the needs of those in the marketplace, spending the majority of their lives working at their career.

God can mold your character to become who and what God has called you to be. It is done through the gift of the Holy Spirit which creates a clear vision that will guide your daily choices. As you make these choices, following the leading of the Holy Spirit, you can develop habits that grow character, improve decision making and prosper every aspect of your life with the right attitudes. Your job IS your ministry and spending 40+ hours a week at work is a great opportunity to live life God called you to live... even as you prosper through it.
Info at Pray, Practice & Prosper - Doing Business God's Way

Theology 101 In Bite Size Pieces

Award Winning Author,
Judy Azar LeBlanc

The word theology tends to lead people to think that it is only meant for seminarian scholars; however, the word speaks for itself by the sole definition of "the study of God's Word." Theology 101 takes a fresh look at God's Power, Character, Love, Nature, and what the finished work of Christ meant to the world in bite size portions.

It offers scripturally based truths of some of the riches of His Divine Grace that include answers to thought provoking questions such as what is predestination; who are the chosen; the called, and the elect.

The author uses everyday language to explain what it means to be justified, reconciled, forgiven, and offers a clear and easy to understand explanation of why practicing merited grace contradicts Christ's finished work on the cross.

Let's Drink For Health


“Orange Juice Had A Good Run,” but now there is something better for you. Genesis Today, one of the country’s fastest growing juice brands and emerging leader in the superfood consumer category, is changing the perception of your morning glass of orange juice with a new line of superfruit juices. Now that these incredible Superfruit juices are available at Walmart, maybe it’s time you try them for yourself.

“There is a shift in tide currently under way in the beverage market. This new beverage trend is all about the ‘halo of health’ around beverages with purpose – juices created with more antioxidants and vitamins than ever before and made with unique fruits and natural compounds like Acai, Goji berry and Resveratrol,” according to Dr. Lindsey Duncan, Founder & CEO of Genesis Today.

Dr. Lindsey Duncan is a Naturopathic Doctor and Certified Nutritionist, who has been a trusted leader in the natural health products industry since 1983. After leading a successful nutrition practice in Santa Monica and logging over 40,000 hours of clinical experience, Dr. Lindsey wanted to do more. Dr. Lindsey has brought the superior, customized nutrition he had given his celebrity clients to everyone in America because he believes that no matter what your financial situation or your exercise routine, you deserve to be healthier, now.

Every Genesis Today product is packed with so many nutrients, minerals and antioxidants that just one serving a day is all you need to start meeting your health goals. Genesis Today’s Superfruit juices are available in three flavors: Acai Berry, Cranberry Goji, and Pomegranate & Berries with Resveratrol. Genesis Today wants you to switch out your morning glass of orange juice for a healthier option. Try it now and feel the difference.

Genesis Today will choose one lucky Grand Prize winner to receive the “Ask Dr. Lindsey – Prize Pack.” This will include a personal health consultation from Dr. Lindsey Duncan himself suited to your specific health and nutritional needs and will include a three (3) month supply of Genesis Today products – a $600 value. Second Place will receive a three (3) month supply of Genesis Today Superfruit juices, and 25 Runners up will receive a free bottle of Genesis Today Superfruit juices.

For more info on Genesis Today and Dr. Lindsey visit genesistoday.com
Available now at your local Walmart or Sam’s Club

Dr. Lindsey Duncan - Genesis Today on Bloomberg Television
Dr. Lindsey Duncan - Genesis Today - Discusses Health Juice line

The Author, The Book, The Strategy - Power Thoughts

A Joyce Meyer Book

Does Your Mind Wander? Are you bombarded with unhealthy, unfocused thoughts? Do you have trouble trying to get something out of your mind? You may be stuck in a mental rut. It’s time to get out! Joyce's upcoming book, Power Thoughts, will help you...

Take her bestselling book, Battlefield of the Mind, to the next level. Learn 12 specific thoughts to positively affect every area of your life. Learn how to think right thoughts on purpose, become decisive, confident and productive. Enjoy the powerful life God intended for you.

Defeat Your Enemy The enemy loves to put all kinds of wrong thoughts in our minds because he doesn’t want us to have the good things Jesus died for us to have. But Power Thoughts can help you defeat your enemy and live free from his lies once and for all. ~ Joyce Meyer

A Personal Note From Author Kaylin McFarren

Kaylin McFarren Author of Flaherty's Crossing

Kaylin sat before her computer writing FLAHERTY'S CROSSING as a source of personal therapy after losing her beloved father to colon cancer. You might say she was angry at him, at God, at the world in general. However, after writing this story, she had the opportunity to really look into her soul and consider the fact that so many other sons and daughters have had to deal with similar and even worse situations. Rather than a memoir, her novel evolved into a fictional journey which brought about the resolution she needed to find. She never expected this exercise in writing to go to press, touch lives, or win literary awards. But as a result of her good fortune, she has arranged for proceeds from the sale of this book to go directly to the Providence Medical Foundation's colon cancer research department in her father's name. She's now convinced and proudly shares her belief that good things can grow out of the worst times in our lives if you just take the time to open your heart.
Be sure to visit Kaylin's site for more information about Flaherty's Crossing

The Book, The Author & The Life Changing Story

Chris M. Tatevosian
Author Of Life Interrupted - It's Not All About Me

Life Interrupted, It’s Not All About Me by Chris Tatevosian guides others with chronic illnesses to deal more positively with feelings of anger, self-pity and diminishing self-worth in order to keep their relationships strong and loving. Open, frank and filled with invaluable advice, this is a book for anyone who wants to deal positively with illness.

For more information about the author, the book and some great ministry visit Chris M.Tatevosian at Life Interrupted No Longer

Jesus, The Bread Of Life

Randolph Nicholas Alvis
Splinters On The Carpenter's Floor

Our God is continually shaping us to conform to the image of his Son. Splinter's On The Carpenter's Floor evolved from many nights in prayer to God to remove me out of a deep depression.

Jesus was a carpenter by trade, but the splinter's he created are those that fall from men's hearts. He's using a plane on our emotions, filing down our pride, and putting a fine stain of his blood of Calvary on each of his works.
Ask Jesus into your life and he will carve your life into something very beautiful. The sign in his carpentry shop window says 'Always open, quality work from a master craftsman' Praise His Holy Name!

For more information about Splinters On The Carpenter's Floor and Author Randolph Nicholas Alvis visit The Creations Carpenter

New Book Release By Joyce Meyer

By Joyce Meyer "Eat The Cookie, Buy The Shoes"

Engrained in our culture is the belief that unbending discipline is the only sure way to success. You must go to the gym five times a week, never order the dessert, and don't even think about buying that dress you keep staring at in the store window. Breaking from such a regimented lifestyle is a sign of weakness, right? Wrong!-and Joyce wants to tell us why...

Though setting rules in our lives are important, it's just as important that we break them from time-to-time. Structure is a powerful tool, but when diverging from your own goals is seen as catastrophic, it can have a hugely negative effect on us. Balance is a core value in life and every once in awhile we deserve to indulge in a guilty pleasure or two. So don't feel bad about straying from your goals every once-in-awhile and in fact, embrace it: eat the cookie and buy the shoes!

For more information about this must have book, visit Eat The Cookie, Buy The Shoes

Communions With Christ By Sharon Ellis

Communions With Christ

By Author Sharon Ellis

This is a true story. An Archangel of the Lord appears to an unsuspecting housewife who had never been to church or read the Bible a day in her life. In doing the work of his Maker, God’s angel prepares the spirit of this biblically ignorant woman for what is soon to come. Then, Christ Jesus appears!

Sharon Roni Ellis Presents

The Journey Of Eve's Daughter

The Journey Of Eve's Daughter is a gripping tale told honestly. Spanning six decades, with all the walls down, Sharon reveals the bare gut wrenching truth of her passage through terror into glorious meeting and speaking with God. A must read book.

For more information on "Seeing The Liberty" and "Communions With Christ" visit Sharon at her site The Kingdom Of God In Earth.

Acts Of Faith By Author Phillip A. Ross

See into one man's theology turned rightside up by the love of Christ. A pastor, born again in the pulpit, encounters the world and the church in the light of the gospel — and everything changed.

Crisis of …

What? The American economy? The Stock Market? Eight years of Bush policies? How about a hundred years of liberal indoctrination! If we can't see the right problem or see the problem rightly, we cannot find the right solution. If we don't understand the disease, we cannot prescribe a medication. Apart from a proper diagnosis, doing something may be worse than doing nothing. America is in serious denial of her real situation. Seeing the problem, putting the problem in the correct context, is everything.

What Can We Do?

The first thing to do is to see the problem in its proper context, its historical context, its cultural context. That is what these books are about, helping people see the problem from a biblical perspective. However, unrepentant sinners do not want to see what the Bible is trying to show us because the perspective of the Bible threatens them — and rightly so. For the past hundred years or so unrepentant sinners have had increasing control of American public education, media and even religious institutions. People have been steeped in godlessness for so long that they no longer even realize it. These books provide insight and instruction intended to repair the breaches.

Visit Pilgrim Platform Books for more information and books written by Author Phillip A. Ross